Pekin AMBUCS Newsletter • Issue 1: 2023-2024

Next Meeting

Date: Tuesday, November 7, 2023
Time: 6:00pm (Different Start Time)
Location: Buffalo Wild Wings, Pekin, IL (3333 Court Street)
Meeting: Club Meeting - Covering our local chapter

Come and support Bob and the rest of our club.

Hope to see all of you there and bring a guest.

Past Meeting

October 17, 2023

J. Balmer, Central Region Director, was our guest and program for the evening.  His first duty of the night was to install two new Pekin Chapter of National AMBUCS Officers:

Bob Ehrich (younger) – President
Jenny Bruns – Vice President

Congratulations to both and thank you for serving our chapter.

J. also spoke to us about his role as Central Region Director and how he got involved with AMBUCS. He focused on building membership and to use all avenues we have available, including social media. But he mostly encouraged all of us to promote AMBUCS at any function or event we attend, including our everyday lives. Don’t be afraid to let people know how we feel about being members of AMBUCS and especially those we may impact who receive our services. 

Thanks to J. Balmer for attending our meeting. 



Contact Pekin AMBUCS

If you would like to contact Pekin AMBUCS, please email your questions, concerns and/or suggestions to